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Winter (CNY) Programme 2023
Workshop Date 工作坊日期: 14-16/ 2/ 2024
Registration will be closed at 5pm Jan 19, 2024 | Successful applicants will be notified by email on Jan 29, 2024
報名日期至2024年1月19日下午5時 | 取錄名單將於2024年1月29日以電郵通知

Kindergarten to Primary School Workshop  幼稚園及小學工作坊
1, 2, 3 Action! Digital Storytelling through Drama
1, 2, 3 Action! 戲劇導入的「數碼媒體説故事」

CTPQ4-2301  |   Cantonese | K1 - P1 

Your Story. Your Voice.
你的故事。 你的聲音 。故事演說 

CTPQ4-2302  |   English |  P4 - P6 

Primary to Secondary School Workshop  中小學工作坊
Sports Science

CTPQ4-2311  |   Cantonese | P5 - S3 

Nurturing Talents via MOOC
以MOOCs 培育有天賦的自主學習者

CTPQ4-2312  |   Cantonese | P5 - S3 


© 2024 by Laboratory and Programme for Creativity and Talent Development

Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. 

Email: / whatsapp 6137 6679

All rights reserved.

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