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注:中文版本置於英文全文下方。Note: Please scroll down for Chinese version.


Places are allocated on a first-come first- served basis unless specific requirement is listed in the prerequisite.


You will receive a letter in a week to acknowledge receipt of your application. If you do not hear from our office within this time, please contact us directly at (852) 3917 5828.

HKU CAISE reserves the right to cancel any courses. All efforts will be made to place students in a similar course. If none is available, a refund will be issued.

Withdrawal and absences from class

No refund will be arranged for students withdrawing after enrolment confirmed or missing a lesson for any reason. 

Course Completion Certificate

For the participants who fulfill 80% attendance shall receive a course completion certificate. 

Weather Policy

During times of severe weather (i.e. rainstorms and typhoons), classes may be cancelled. Please note the following:


Typhoon 1, Typhoon 3, Amber Rainstorm, Red Rainstorm: 

All classes continue as NORMAL

Black Rainstorm, Typhoon 8 Typhoon 9 & Typhoon 10

1. If any of the signals above are hoisted 2 hours before class, the class will be cancelled.

2. If any of the signals above are hoisted during a class, please endeavor to collect your child but be assured that your child will be supervised until the end of the lesson.

No make-up class will be offered for class(es) cancelled due to severe weather.

Information Policy

Information provided will be used for the purposes of processing your application for admission and administration after admission.




HKU CAISE有取消課程之最終決定權。本中心將安排申請人參加類似課程。若未有適合課程,申請人將獲安排退款。









  • 所有課程照常上課

颱風:八號烈風及暴風信號    、九號烈風或暴風風力增強信號、十號颶風信號


1. 若信號於上課前2小時懸掛,課堂將會被取消。​

2. 若信號於課堂進行中懸掛,家長/監護人請盡早接送子女離開,但中心將會看管學生至課堂完結。




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