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Nurturing Talents via MOOC

透過 MOOC 培育天賦。自主學習推至全球學習經驗
P5-S3 Students

Date日期 :16/2/2024 

Time 時間:10:00 - 12:00
Workshop fee 費用 : $600


1. 學生可以通過MOOC 學習獲得全球學習經驗

2. 語言水平一般但對個別學習領域有興趣的學生亦能夠完成MOOC

3. 學習如何選擇適合自己的 MOOC 課程



香港大學近年為四間背景不同的中學推出大規模開放線上課程 (MOOC) 。學習計劃方便學生接觸世界知名大學的 MOOCs。通過計劃,學生可以根據自己的興趣獲得國際化學習經驗,培養對國際的理解能力。

學習計劃方便中學生接觸世界知名大學的 MOOCs。通過計劃,學生可以根據自己的興趣獲得國際化學習經驗,培養對國際的理解能力。在工作坊中,我們將討論計劃是如何推行並影響學生和學校。
在 2020 年暑假,有一所學校的 95 名中三學生完成了 210 個MOOCs,包括 :
1. 完成外語學習MOOCs。學生們自主修讀了昆士蘭大學、延世大學和早稻田大學的課程,學習英語(IELTS)、韓語和日語。
2. 完成知名大學 (如哈佛大學、清華大學) 的MOOCs。香港中學難以提供近似課程。
3. 完成音樂學院、非營利組織和科技公司的 MOOCs。這些經歷對學生來說非常珍貴


1. MOOC 的起源

2. 即席體驗 MOOC 學習模式 - 參加者將在導師帶領下探索3600 MOOCs 課程





魏宏鏘博士為中華基督教會基元中學教務主任及香港中文大學教育學院課程與教學學系兼任講師。他於香港大學教育學院畢業,其後取得英國University of Bristol教育博士學位。從事教育十多年,他曾擔任直資英文中學英文科科主任,並兼任資優教育組统籌。他的研究興趣包括慕課(MOOC)模式學習,英語教學以及資優教育。



Workshop Objective

From the workshop:

1. Students can gain global learning experiences through MOOC learning.

2. Students with average language proficiency could complete MOOC in areas that they are fond of.

3. Students learn to identify relevant MOOC for him/herself.

Workshop Description

Nowadays, people have to thrive in a fast-paced world full of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity and have to respond to emerging and development needs of the community. Therefore, global citizens with generic skills (e.g. critical thinking, communications, creativity) and attitudes (e.g. global citizenship, lifelong learning, self-directed learning) are in huge demand today. There are need to help students to develop these skills and attitudes in an experiential manner. Although extracurricular activities and service learning in the K12 curriculum can facilitate students learning of these skills, we believe there are limited opportunities in local secondary schools in Hong Kong for students to enrich further. 


The programme allows students to join the MOOCs offered by the world's top universities. In the 2020 summer semester, 95 out of 101 secondary school Form 3 students in a school have completed 210 MOOCs:

  1. Students completed MOOCs that could develop their foreign language skills. For example, they enrolled MOOCs from the University of Queensland (Australia), Yonsei University (South Korea) and Waseda University (Japan) to learn English (IELTS), Korean and Japanese, respectively. Students can enjoy low-cost language learning courses through MOOC.

  2. Students took MOOCs from global (e.g., Harvard University) and regional (e.g., Tsinghua University) well-renowned universities on STEM or humanities topics, which are difficult to be provided in schools.S

  3. Students also took MOOCs from musical schools (e.g., Berklee College of Music), non-profit organizations (e.g., SmithsonianX) and companies (e.g., IBM, Microsoft). These courses offer students a chance to know more about global issues on a particular topic. These experiences are rare and valuable to students.

T​he workshop will cover

1. Introduction to MOOC 

2. Hands-On MOOC Experience - Participants will be given time to explore 3600 MOOCs offered by Coursera under the supervision of the instructor.

Target Participants / Prerequisite​

P5 - S3 students



Dr Tony Wei

Dr Tony Wei has been a registered secondary school teacher for more than fourteen years. He now serves as Prefect of Studies in CCC Kei Yuen College, and he once served as the English panel head in a DSS secondary school populated with students with diverse academic backgrounds. He also serves as an adjunct lecturer in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr Tony Wei is now majorly involved in projects regarding K12 open education outreach through MOOC Learning for cultivating global-minded thinkers. He received his Doctor of Education in University of Bristol with his research interest in K12 MOOC Learning, English teaching and Gifted Education.

Medium of Instruction

Cantonese supplemented with English teaching materials

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