Magic, Science and Mathematics
魔術, 科學與數學
Grade 年級
小五至中三 P5-S3
Price 費用
Date 日期
12/8, 14/8, 16/8/2024
工作坊簡介 About the Workshop
Many people have seen fabulous magic shows. Have you ever thought about getting to know the principles that are related to science and mathematics and becoming a young magician?
工作坊目標 Workshop objectives
Learn the principles of some science and mathematics related magic tricks, practice and perform in the workshop.
教學語言 Language of instruction
導師簡介 Your Instructor
Mr. Tse Chi Ting
Tse Chi Ting holds a Master degree in Electrical engineering and got distinction in Post-graduate Certificate of Education. He had been an engineer in an international listed company in early career and become a teacher for about 30 years afterwards. His teaching experience includes teaching in secondary school (panel chairman of mathematics committee), School of Continuing Studies of the CUHK (now CUSCS) for more than two years and short-term teaching in the Hong Kong Technical Teacher College (now Education University of Hong Kong). Currently he is responsible for academic development and design of science programs. He had served many schools and organizations.