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Parent Talk: Supporting 2e series

ASD & Gifted on 14 Aug 2021 (Sat)
KG-P2: 1000-1200; P3-P5: 1300-1500; P6-Secondary: 1530-1730  
ADHD & Gifted on 21 Aug 2021 (Sat)
: 1000-1200; P3-P5: 1300-1500; P6-Secondary: 1530-1730  
*This is an online talk which will be conducted via Zoom.


- 掌握基本資優概念、人類成長發展及特殊需要概論
- 認識及覺察特定年齡群的雙重特殊資優生的發展需要
- 實踐「強項為本」,藉以包涵困難困境
- 按孩子發展需要更新教養方法及成為孩子的引薦人/倡導者

幼稚園至小二 (身心協調、社交;升讀小學準備、學習內容漸增;訓練/治療時機等)
小三至小五/六 (學習內容漸趨複雜,強調高階思維;行為、情緒、社交;升中籌謀等)
小六至中學 (升中轉變、適應;青春期;多元發展/生涯規劃等)







香港大學教育學院融合與特殊教育研究發展中心的總監 (課程發展)。她設計、教授、評估及支援【發展創意 施展才華】情意發展課程,推動中心學生課程發展。她在加拿大卑詩大學獲頒特殊教育碩士學位(主修資優教育),曾任職本地及國際學校。她是位資深社工、教師及正念修習者,正於香港大學教育碩士課程督導實習及教育文憑課程教授資優與才華發展課程。

吳女士以個案諮商、成長小組、專業發展培訓及公開講座,推廣及支援孩子、青年、父母及教育工作者的成長與身心幸福。她自2013年起參與梅村的正念修習,2015年修畢為期一年的「正念導師培訓課程」(由Plum Village Mindfulness Academy舉辦)。吳女士於2016年3月起協助開辦季度兒童正念日,與梅村僧侶及香港大學教育學院融合與特殊教育研究發展中心共同推行。



Programme Objectives

Parents are able to
- Acquire basic conceptions of giftedness, human development and exceptionalities 

- Recognize and be aware the developmental needs of 2e students at targeted age range
- Adopt a strength-based approach to embrace difficulties arise
- Develop a better sense to upgrade their own parenting style and be their child’s advocate
(Note: Participated parents are expected to engage in interactive and reflective activities throughout the talk.)

Programme Outline

2e (twice-exceptional) students encounter different opportunities as well as challenges along the life journey. Parents are the essential “cheer leaders” of the child to celebrate the success and embrace the ups and downs.

Integrating basic conceptions of giftedness, human developmental needs and traits of exceptionalities (ASD / ADHD), the instructor will share practical tips and examples of targeted age groups to delineate how parents can adopt a strength-based approach, be aware the masking effects and realize potential, address the child’s changing needs, upgrading own parenting styles and be the child’s advocate. 

We welcome parents of 2e child / teen (diagnosed / not yet diagnosed / suspected) to join us to enhance our knowledge, skills, attitude and values to embrace our beautiful next generation.

Target Participants / Prerequisite​



Programme Instructor

Ms. Jo NG

Ms. Jo Ng is the Programme Director (Curriculum Development) of CAISE, HKU. She designs, conducts, evaluates and supports talent development with creativity programmes, mainly in affective domains, as well as promoting curriculum
development in CAISE. She received her master’s degree in Special Education with Gifted Education Concentration from The University of British Columbia. Jo is an experienced social worker, teacher and mindfulness practitioner, currently being a
supervisor of MEd (Gifted Education and Talent Development) practicum and teaching PGDE course in gifted and talent development at HKU. 
Jo is keen to support the growth and well-being of children, adolescents, parents and educators through providing case consultation, developmental groups and professional development training. She has been practicing mindfulness under the
tradition of Plum Village since 2013 and completed the one-year Mindfulness Teachers Training Program by The Mindfulness Academy in 2015. She has initiated a quarterly Day of Mindfulness for Children with Plum Village monastics and HKU
CAISE since March 2016. Her aspiration is to cultivate joy and happiness in children, family, schools and the society.

Medium of Instruction

Cantonese supplemented with English teaching materials

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