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H.O.T. Dance 舞蹈與高階思維 (HOTS denotes higher-order thinking skills)

P4 - P6 Students

22 - 24 Jul 2019: 10am - 12pm

HKD 1,500

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Course Objectives
  1.  Develop higher-order thinking skills through dance analysis, evaluation and creation;

  2.  Enhance psychosocial skills such as self-efficacy (i.e., “I can do it!”), growth mindset (e.g., embrace challenges), and   
     positive social skills

  3.  Perform a short two-minute dance

  4.  Analyze the elements of dance

  5.  Evaluate own and other groups’ dance performance and choreography

  6.  Create own three-minute dance choreography in a team of four to five people to a popular song



Course Outline

This course focuses on dance performance, appreciation, and creation. This course aims to develop the students’ higher-order thinking skills (H.O.T.) through activities in which they analyze, evaluate and create dance (Anderson et al., 2001). Students will also reflect, comment and write in English about their learning experiences. Students will be motivated to improvise to tasks, ideas and music. The combination of dramatic and fun improvisation will help students gain confidence to think on their feet, act spontaneously, persevere and embrace challenges. Working towards a common goal and solving problems together will help students improve teamwork, communication skills and divergent thinking skills.

*Parents will be invited to join the show in the last session.


Target Participants / Prerequisite

For students completed P4 - P6 who are interested in enhancing psychological health through dancing are welcome.

Course Instructor

Dr. Joey CHUA

Born and raised in Singapore, Joey has taught dance to academically gifted students at the annual camp organized by the Gifted Education Branch in Singapore.  Curious about the different cultures in the world, Joey has travelled to exotic places like Soweto in South Africa, and the Nordic countries like Sweden and Finland, and taught dance to schoolchildren there.  Determined to help students transform their potential into talent, Joey actively engages in research and rely on robust empirical findings to improve her pedagogical skills (Chua, 2016a).  A fervent practitioner, Joey has performed in international festivals such as Dance Umbrella, Seoul International Dance Festival, da:ns festival, and more recently, at the M1 Fringe Festival in 2017.



Medium of Instruction




  • 透過舞蹈分析、檢核及創作,發展高階思維;

  • 提升心理質素如自我效能(即:我能夠做到!)、成長心態(如:接納挑戰)及正向社交技巧;

  • 一分鐘舞蹈表演;

  • 分析舞蹈的元素;

  • 評核個人及其他組別的表現及編舞;

  • 四至五人一組,以流行音樂作背景,編排兩分鐘舞蹈。


此課程重點在舞啪蹈表演、創作及欣賞。更重要的是,它著重透過鼓勵學生反思課堂內容、給予意見及英文寫作等活動,發展學生分析、評價及創造舞蹈的能力,以提高學生的高階思維(H.O.T) (Anderson, et al., 2001)。 The Dance Talent Development Model (Chua, 2015a) 著重於鞏固各項心理素質如自我效能、成長心態及社交能力。學生將會被鼓勵湊合作業 (task) 意念及音樂(Chua, 2016)。戲劇及即興娛樂的組合將提升同學果斷迅速行動、即場表演、堅持及樂觀面對挑戰的 信心(Chua, 2014)。同學透過共同朝向同一目標及一同解難,團隊合作精神、溝通能力及發散思維能力將會獲提高(Chua, 2015)。





蔡寶玉博士於新加坡出生及長大,曾於Gifted Education Branch in Singapore舉辦之年度營中, 把舞蹈教導予學術方面資優之兒童,她對於世界上不同文化富有好奇心,曾到很多特別國家如南非的索韋托、瑞典及芬蘭等,及教導當地的學童舞蹈。她立志於幫助學生將其潛能發展成才華,並活躍於研究及應用其實證研究結果以增進她的教學技能(Chua, 2016a)。她熱愛實踐,曾於不同國際藝術節如Dance Umbrella、首爾國際舞蹈節、Da:ns Festival 及較近期的Fringe Festival 2017。



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